Revelados los trofeos de Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn en PlayStation 3

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Revelados los trofeos de Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn en PlayStation 3

Aunque quizás los problemas con los servidores estén impidiendo que muchos de vosotros podáis acceder con normalidad a Final Fantasy XIV: A Real Reborn, esta profundísima revisión de Final Fantasy XIV Online ya está disponible.

Hoy nos llegan los trofeos de la versión de PlayStation 3, que nos permiten echarle un vistazo a las misiones y hazañas que tendremos que conseguir para añadir el platino a nuestra colección.

No creemos que los trofeos vayan a estropearos ninguna sorpresa, pero por si acaso, podéis encontrarlos después del vídeo.

Lista de trofeos:

A Realm Restored – Platinum
Obtain all available FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn trophies

To Crush Your Enemy – Bronze
Defeat your first enemy.

To Crush 10,000 Enemies – Silver
Defeat 10,000 enemies.

Page One – Bronze
Complete your first quest.

Warrior of Light – Gold
Complete the main scenario.

An Adventurer’s Duty – Bronze
Complete your first levequest.

An Adventurer’s Life - Silver
Complete 1,000 levequests.

For Glory – Bronze
Complete your first guildhest.

For the Realm – Silver
Complete 100 guildhests.

Meddler in Materia – Bronze
Successfully affix materia to an item.

Master of Materia – Silver
Successfully affix 100 materia.

Dabbler in Carpentry – Bronze
Synthesize an item as a carpenter.

One with Wood – Silver
Synthesize 1,000 items as a carpenter.

Dabbler in Smithing – Bronze
Synthesize an item as a blacksmith.

One with Steel - Silver
Synthesize 1,000 items as a blacksmith.

Dabbler in Armorcraft – Bronze
Synthesize an item as an armorer.

One with Mail – Silver
Synthesize 1,000 items as an armorer.

Dabbler in Goldsmithing – Bronze
Synthesize an item as a goldsmith.

One with Gold – Silver
Synthesize 1,000 items as a goldsmith.

Dabbler in Tanning – Bronze
Synthesize an item as a leatherworker.

One with Leather – Silver
Synthesize 1,000 items as a leatherworker.

Dabbler in Clothcraft – Bronze
Synthesize an item as a weaver.

One with Wool – Silver
Synthesize 1,000 items as a weaver.

Dabbler in Alchemy – Bronze
Synthesize an item as an alchemist.

One with Ether – Silver
Synthesize 1,000 items as an alchemist.

Dabbler in Cooking - Bronze
Synthesize an item as a culinarian.

One with Food – Silver
Synthesize 1,000 items as a culinarian.

Swing of the Axe – Bronze
Mine a mineral deposit.

Veteran Miner – Silver
Mine 1,000 mineral deposits.

Swing of the Hatchet – Bronze
Log at a mature tree.

Veteran Logger – Silver
Log at 1,000 mature trees.

Swing of the Rod – Bronze
Fish with your own rod and bait.

Veteran Fisher – Silver
Fish 1,000 times.

In and Out – Bronze
Clear your first instanced raid.

Repeat Offender – Gold
Clear 100 instanced raids.

Seeker of Truth – Bronze
Clear the Binding Coil.

Slay Thy Neighbor – Bronze
Participate in PvP.

Destiny’s Child – Bronze
Join a FATE.

Destiny’s - Gold
Complete 1,000 FATEs.

Juan Rubio

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Más sobre Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

La saga Final Fantasy vuelve a PS4 esta vez con un título dedicado a los fans de los MMO. A Realm Reborn vuelve a los orígenes para aprovechar los hechos ocurridos en la segunda edición de Final Fantasy. Square Enix ha querido trabajar a fondo con los escenarios, modificados para mejorar la navegación, además de pensar en los diferentes ataques y su implementación al juego grupal. Una apuesta del estudio para adaptar todo el peso de una de las sagas más conocidas al mundo multijugador.


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